Zewen Liu (刘泽文)

Hi there! I am currently a PhD student at the Computer Science Department, Emory University. My advisor is Prof. Wei Jin. Before joining Emory, I completed a B.S. degree of Big Data Science and Technology in Jilin University.

My research focus is AI4Science, especially in the epidemiology scenario. If you are interested, please feel free to check my publications or contact me for future collaborations.

During free time, I love gaming and sports, particularly FPS games, running and basketball.

Research Interests:

  • AI for Healthcare
  • Graph Neural Networks, Spatial&Temporal Graphs
  • Time-Series Forecasting


  • [06/2024] Our survey on epidemic modeling has been accepted by KDD2024! See you in Barcelona!
  • [02/2024] Thrilled to announce that I will be joining Emory University as a Computer Science PhD student, under the guidance of Prof. Wei Jin!

Open-Source Projects

Epilearn: A Python Library for Machine Learning in Epidemic Modeling

Website | Paper | Code
